The Cycle of Social Post Uncertainty

Cycle of Social Post Uncertainty

Here's 5 steps to resolve your cycle of social post uncertainty.

1. Brainstorm topics in your niche that you want to share with your audience.

HINT: Don't look at anyone else's page. You have unlimited possibilities of what you could share with your audience.

2. Put the topics into 3-5 categories.

BONUS: Utilize categories such as Educational, Personal, and Solution (Example: "Struggling to fall asleep at night? Here's three yoga poses to get a better nights sleep."

3. Place a category on each posting day.

4. Fill in the captions and schedule your post!

5. Spend 30 minutes engaging with 5-8 followers and with accounts that used the same hashtags as you!

BOOM! Now you won't experience posting uncertainty again!

Are you ready to break the cycle?


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