Seven Willows Social Media Agency

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How it all began

Well hi there!

My name is Corey Brausch, the Founder and CEO of Seven Willows.

When I tell you that I fell into the position of being a social media strategist, I mean it… almost literally.

Facebook came about when I was a freshman in high school. All of my friends and peers had an account. My parents were super against it, but I created one anyway under the premise I wanted to keep connected after I moved to South Carolina from Long Island, New York. 

I was a junior in high school heading into senior year when Instagram was up and coming. I remember the crazy filters everyone was using.

In reality, I grew up alongside social media. I utilized social platforms during all of their updates, transitions, and transformations.

I launched my first business as a photographer when I was a senior in high school. I began promoting my services via Facebook and Instagram. I had many returning clients!

I attended Winthrop University where I studied Mass Communication. I enjoyed the well-roundedness of the major. A bit of Public Relations, Marketing, Video Editing. Photography, Journalism (Broadcast & Print), Advertising and more. I was a freelance writer for a local newspaper for over a year, and I was a music festival fashion blogger for an online forum. 

A few years after college I fell into a retail position where I became the focal point of the businesses Instagram account. The followers loved me. The marketing manager at the time decided it was best to then let me manage the account. He is now the regional marketing manager for budweiser in southern california (last I heard).

After a few months, he moved onto a different company and I was promoted to marketing manager where I handled all social platforms, media buys, website management, email marketing, and more.

After a year went by, I realized the 9-7 life was not for me. I began to become drained. I picked up a few Virtual Assistant gigs handling social media accounts for people. Then, within a few months, I was handling enough accounts to cover my bills and I resigned from my 9-7 position. 

To this day, I have assisted dozens of small business owners in growing their social media accounts, building trust with their audience, and helped them stay in their zone of genius. 

I am hoping that you’ll be next to take the leap and do what we’re supposed to be doing on this fine earth… enjoying it.